Sunday 22 November 2009


This blog has been specially set up for ladies 'of a certain age', such as myself. It came about in a roundabout way!

 I will answer the leading question 'does menopause cause depression' in more detail, at the end of this post!

My other blog (besides my affiliate one), was born out of the book I had published in May of this year 'The Truth About Depression and How You Can Beat It'.

Each chapter of my true depression journey book, is interspersed with what was happening in my life as I went through my own painful journey, as well as self-help information to help other people - most through trial and error by myself.

Anyway, I digress! On checking the statcounter on my depression blog, I see that 99% of the traffic comes from phrases being put into the search engine about the menopause, and they were being directed to a post I have written on my blog about the menopause.

I will be using my expertise (a lot learned the very hard way - you can read all about it in the menopause chapter of my book), to answer your many questions and I very much look forward to doing so, as soon as I possibly can.

As this blog has only just been set up and I have just found a really great solution to help you ladies, I am rushing this link to you!

It is 100% pure progesterone cream, drug-free. It took me a long time to find it and I am so glad that I did! (again, you will find out why in my book. 5 copies of which were sold on Amazon within 25 days of the launch!)

You can also google my book and check it out 'The Truth About Depression and How You Can Beat It', and check out my depression blog   or click the link on the RH side (under my photo) 

Q. Does menopause cause depression

A. Menopause does not actually cause depression because depression (acute) is usually because of a chemical inbalance in the brain, lack of serotonin (for which anti-depressants are often prescribed). Most cases of depression would have an underlying reason and I am a great believer in counselling to try and get to the root cause of the reason for depression. You may well feel depressed because if you are suffering from menopause symptoms, but other than that, no - the menopause cannot cause depression as it is a natural progression and not an illness.

People are often being prescribed Venlafaxine, which is an antidepressant said to help menopausal symptoms. Because I was desperate I did try it (you will get to read just how desperate I became - in my true depression journey book), it did not work on me and I suffered from a lot of the 'side effects'. The worse was a serious fluctuation of my blood pressure levels so my doctor immediately took me off them.

I have a chapter in my book about 'depression' and you get to discover all the signs and what you can do to help yourself.

I then found the miracle Menopause 100% progesterone cream! No horrible drugs or side effects.

here's the link again

I hope this answers your question.

Keep tuned!

'til next time

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the recommendation for the cream - it's so difficult to find any good info on products that actually work.

    Thanks again!
